Diseased Devotees Token Set


Diseased Devotees Token Set Includes 28 Tokens:

Front side/Back side


  • Magnificent Buboes CV: 7 Rng: 21″ -1 to hit, chant, cast, dispel.
  • Cloying Quagmire CV: 5 Rng: 14″ 1/2 move, -2 to R & C.
  • Blades of Putrefaction  CV: 7 Rng: 14″ Attacks of 5+ give Disease.
  • Fleshy Abundance CV: 7 Rng: 14″ +1 wounds.
  • Miasma of Pestilence CV: 6 Rng: 14″ on wound, 2+ D3 MWs.
  • 3x The Leechlord’s Curse CV: 7 Rng: 14″ -1 to Saves for  rest of battle.
  • Abundance of Flesh  CV: 6 Rng: 14″ +1 wounds.
  • Favoured Poxes (Cast) CV: 7 Rng: 14″ Ends if Caster: Moves, Attacks, Magic or Slain.
  • Favoured Poxes Target -1 to hit, wound, save.


  • Tally of Blows +1 to Attacks.
  • Studied Laceration +1 to Rend.
  • Recorded Stamina +1 to Save.
  • A Stabbing We Will Go +1 to Wound (14″).
  • Early One Evening My Pustule Was Seeping Wounds of 6 = MWs (14″).
  • Retchling OPB: cast one extra spell.
  • Lord of Nurgle OPT: Free Command Ability use./ Used
  • Shudderblight Cannot issue or receive commands.
  • 3x Cloud of Flies -1 to Shooting Attacks if 5+ models.
  • 2x Tainted Endless Spell Causes disease points like MAGGOTKIN OF NURGLE units.

Command traits & Artefacts

  • The Eye of Nurgle OPB: SHP EU 14″ Disease Points, 2D6. If roll is 7, closest model slain.
  • The Fecund Flask OPB: SHP D6 2+, heal all wounds. 1 Slain add 1 BEASTS OF NURGLE.
  • Rustfang OPB: SCP HERO 3″. -1 saves rest of the battle.
  • The Bountiful Swarm OPB: SHP 1 EM 3″ D6. Roll > WC it’s slain. WC 4+ add 1 BoN model.

Can include 11 small dials:

  • 10x Diseased trackers
  • Epidemius Tally

Can also include 1 large dial:

  • Rhythm of illness
Product total
Options total
Grand total
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Tokens are laser cut out of 3mm acrylic, text colour can very due to engraving process. Tokens are approximately 46mm by 25mm. Small dials are 34mm by 34mm. Large Dial is 120mm by 120mm.

*Diseased Devotees special token colour selection is fluro green tokens and dials in dark green.

Weight .4 kg