Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition Tracker


Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition Tracker comes with two token sets, both sets includes all battle tactics and grand strategies for Pitched Battles 2023-24 along with extra tokens: Finest Hour, Monstrous Actions, Heroic Leadership, Mystic Shield, Arcane Bolt, All out Defence, Flaming Weapon, Optimal Focus. Also included is one armys battle tactics and grand strategies tokens as well as two sets of generic faction battle tactic and grand strategies.

Additional trays can be purchased to carry additional tokens and come in two type. The first is for factions grand strategies and battle tactics, the second is a generic tray for any army token sets that are sold separately.

22 characters recommended maximum.
22 characters recommended maximum.
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Now updated for Pitched Battles 2023-24!

The Age of Sigmar 3rd Ed tracker is designed to make tracking your games of Age of Sigmar easier while speeding up them up. The tracker can tracks Victory points, Command points, Faction points, Triumphs, Battle tactics, and command points.


Weight .610 kg